Terminal Mode

The terminal mode allows the controlling application to send data to the iLCD module as if it were a standard ANSI controlled terminal. All keystrokes scanned by the iLCD module are reported as simple ASCII characters, so using the terminal mode enables the user of, for example, a Linux system to redirect the standard console to the iLCD module.

The iLCD modules can be switched to terminal mode via a command sequence (see Go Terminal Mode). They can also start in terminal mode when set on the "Settings" page of iLCD Manager XE. When in terminal mode, no commands can be sent to the iLCD until terminal mode is exited via the "End terminal mode" escape sequence (see Private ANSI Extensions). In terminal mode, keystrokes and touch events are not reported via the make and break sequences anymore; only the assigned key code is reported when the key or touch field is pressed. Refer to chapters The Concept of iLCD's Touch Fields and Enable/Disable Keyboard Reporting for detailed information.

If the controlling application cannot monitor the CTS pin (see Controlling the iLCD via Serial Port) the iLCD module can work with XON/XOFF control characters instead (see Set XON/XOFF for Terminal Mode). Please note that XON/XOFF mode is only active when running in terminal mode.