Private ANSI Extensions

The iLCD's private ANSI extensions are not covered by an independent specification, so they will work on iLCD displays only.

Sequence Description
\e { ! e N d End terminal mode
\e { ! M Get model info as [ACK] model_name [ACK]
\e { ! a Get acknowledge as [ACK]
\e { <x> ; <y> H Go to <x> <y> pixel position (1-based)
\e { <x> ; <y> f Go to <x> <y> pixel position (1-based)
\e { H Go to home
\e { f Go to home
\e { 6 n Get cursor pixel position as \e { <x> ; <y> R (1-based)
\e { <n> F Select font number <n> (1-based, 0 = startup font)
\e { <n> G Paint graphic number <n> (1-based, 0 = startup graphic)
\e { <n> s Save cursor & attributes to memory position <n> (0 ... 7)
\e { s Save cursor & attributes to memory position 0
\e { <n> u Restore cursor & attributes from memory position <n> (0 ... 7)
\e { u Restore cursor & attributes from memory position 0

See also:

Standard ANSI Sequences