
The iLCD Manager XE is the IDE for setup, configuration, management, programming and test of the iLCDs. This integrated development environment is comfortable, simple to use and further accelerates LCD developments. It supports the entire iLCD product line, allowing for a seamless migration and re-use of existing projects.

A complete Java development environment facilitates the development of applications running on the iLCD’s Java VM. Editor, compiler and debugger are integrated and support features that are familiar from other IDEs, e.g., editing with syntax highlighting and debugging with variable inspection and breakpoints. A special feature is the remote debugging of the generated Java application, which can be carried out directly on the connected iLCD panel via the existing USB interface.

iLCD Manager

The iLCD Manager XE is completely free of charge. You can use the software even without having connected any intelligent display from demmel products yet. The integrated iLCD Simulator allows prototyping and evaluation of iLCD projects without hardware. The appearance and functionality of a graphical user interface can be tested in various development stages and by any stakeholder. Costly undesirable developments can be prevented and development stick to project milestones.