
iUpdate allows you to download iLCD firmware files (*.lcdp-bin) to the iLCD controller. By integrating it into an application, the firmware can be up- or downgraded without having to use iLCD Manager XE.

How To#

Usage:  iUpdate filename [-pserial_port|-usb] [-bbaudrate] [-force]

        -pserial_port Select serial port with name 'serial_port'
        -bbaudrate    Set command baudrate to 'baudrate'
                      (300..115200 baud, default 115200 baud)
        -force        Force updating firmware even when downgrading version
        -usb          Use USB port instead of serial port

Note:   Use a binary file with extension *.lcdp-bin from the Firmware\
        sub-directory of the installed iLCD Manager XE program

CAVEAT: Ensure the iLCD device is not being connected to some other
        software (like iLCD Manager) while working with this software.

Press any key to exit program


  Click here to download iUpdate Executable (Windows)