Do It Yourself Installation
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 "Do it yourself" Instead of a Workshop

You can connect RadioStop easily and without any problems in a very short time to any car radio with a Mute inlet port (or even the ATT- or TEL-input, depending on the manufacturer of the radio) . Thanks to the accompanying cable connector, you don't even have to cut the cables or strip insulation from them. All you need to do is put the connector around the existing wire, push in the RadioStop connection from the side and crimp the whole thing together with combination pliers.

Even the testing that follows is simple to carry out: switch on the ignition. RadioStop "Power" lights up. Make a telephone call in the car: RadioStop "Call" starts to flash after about 5 seconds; your car radio gets muted and displays - depending on the maker of the radio - CALL, MUTE, PHONE or ATT in the display. End the call: the radio returns to its normal state. Not quite working? OK, even with just 3 wires, there can be some confusion - we do understand that! RadioStop's design secures it against wrong pole connections and short circuits, so there's no chance of any damage, either to your valuable car radio or to RadioStop. Once the test is successful, you can simply "hide" the connected RadioStop module behind your car radio - which, we think, would be a pity, because we're pretty proud of the design of our RadioStop module.

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