Touch Field Press/Release

When a previously defined touch field (see Create/Define Touch Field) is pressed/released, the press of a field is indicated by

K key_char [ACK]

and the release is reported as follows

k key_char [ACK]

where key_char is the non-zero character assigned to the touch field previously defined.

Reporting press/release events of touch fields with a key other than zero can be disabled by the command Enable/Disable Touch Field Reporting.

Multi Touch

When more than one touch points are evaluated simultaneously, a point ID is appended to the report for make

K key_char point_id [ACK]

as well as for break events:

k key_char point_id [ACK]

where point_id is a unique ID automatically assigned to the touch point (finger).

The number of concurrently reported touch points can be set by the command Set Number of Touch Points.

See also:

Create/Define Touch Field
Enable/Disable Touch Field Reporting
Set Number of Touch Points
Touch Field Press/Release + Coordinate of Event