Set Touch Field Make Macro

by index:

\i T M word::macro_index

Parameter Type Range Description
macro_index word 0 ... max. macro index (-1 = none) index of the macro

by name:

\i T M by_name::macro_name

Parameter Type Range Description
macro_name by_name ASCII chars (0x01 .. 0xFF) 0-terminated macro name

Assigns the macro to be called when any subsequently defined (see Create/Define Touch Field) touch field is pressed.


  • Sending this command does not change anything for touch fields already defined.
  • Response: [ACK]



    Assigns the macro with index 2 as make macro to the subsequently defined touch fields.

    See also:

    Touch Screen Related Commands
    Set Touch Field Break Macro
    Create/Define Touch Field
    Enable/Disable Automatic Touch Macro Executing
    Set Macro Offset
    Set Macro Name Prefix
    Set Macro Name Suffix