Java IDE

Create new Java App

Create new Java App and add it to the current iLCD Project. Two file dialogs will open for creating an application class file and a main class file. Class templates will be inserted into these files.
Note that there has to be exactly one class (the Main Class) containing the main method with the following signature:

public static void main(String[] args)

This is the entry point of the Java program.

Add new Java File to App

Open a file dialog and add the created file to the Java App. A class template will be inserted.

Build Java App [Ctrl+F7]

Compile Java source code and create Java Binary.

Start Java Binary [Ctrl+F5]

Execute Java Binary on the iLCD panel without starting the debugger.
Depending on the iLCD Manager XE program options the iLCD project and/or the Java Binary will be automatically loaded to the iLCD panel.
Note that in this case the Java Binary on the iLCD panel will be overwritten. Select "Start immediately" from the drop down menu to avoid this in any case.

Start Java Binary without Deploy

Start Java Binary on the iLCD panel without downloading it (requires previous download). So the Java Binary that is already present will not be overwritten.

Export/Import Java App

Export/Import Java App data to/from binary file (*.jproj).
This might be useful for importing the Java App data into another iLCD project.

Start or continue Debugger [F5]

Start the Debugger. Depending on the iLCD Manager XE program options the iLCD project and/or the Java Binary will be automatically loaded to the iLCD panel.
Note that the execution of the Java Binary continues immediatly. Use "Step Into" to stop execution on the first line.
When the Debugger is already running this button is used to continue execution (e.g. when stopped at a breakpoint).

Debug Step Commands

  • Step over actual instruction. [F6]
  • Step into function call at current line. [F7]
  • Step out of actual function call. [F8]

Note that stepping goes by instruction and not by line, so it might happen that stepping to the next line requires multiple Step over executions (e.g. in for-loops).

Add Watch

Open dialog for adding a symbol to the watch list.
This can also be done via the right mouse click menu of the Java source code editor.
Note that it is also possible to inspect symbol values by hovering over the symbol in the source code. If the symbol is in the current scope a tooltip will be shown.


Add breakpoint to the current line.
Note that all breakpoints can be listed via the drop down menu entry "Open Breakpoint List" (also available via the right mouse click menu of the Java source code editor).
Note also that it's possible to specify a pass count and the Thread for each breakpoint via the breakpoint list.

Memory Status

Get information about the Java Virtual Machine memory status.
Show free Heap size, Java Binary size, etc.

Edit Source Code

Toolbar with various edit options such as:
  • Comment source code region.
  • Indent/Outdent source code.
  • Open Find/Replace dialog.

Add new

Adds a new file to the project.

Save Settings

Save setting data to a file.

Load Settings

Load setting data from a file.