Display Local Graphic

by index:

\i G word::graphic_index

Parameter Type Range Description
graphic_index word 0 ... max. graphic index index of the graphic

by name:

\i G by_name::graphic_name

Parameter Type Range Description
graphic_name by_name ASCII chars (0x01 .. 0xFF) 0-terminated graphic name

by filename:

\i G by_file::graphic_filename

Parameter Type Range Description
graphic_filename by_file DOS filename (8.3 format) name and path of the graphics file

Draws a graphic according to the graphic's graphic_index, graphic_name or graphic_filename at the current cursor position.


Response: [ACK]



Displays the graphic with index 1 and graphic "GRAPHIC" from the on-board flash as well as graphic "FILE.RII" from the SD card's "DIR" folder at the current cursor position.

See also:

Get Graphic Info
Set Graphic Alignment
Display Graphic Area
Set Graphic Offset
Set Graphic Name Prefix
Set Graphic Name Suffix
Set Alpha
Set Adjustment for Graphics
Load Animated Graphics